
developmental editing

fine tune your novel

with developmental editing, i’ll look at big picture things in your novel like plot, structure, narration, characters, and any other elements that will help make your story the best it can be. at the end of our time together with developmental projects, you’ll have a marked up manuscript with notes and a developmental editing letter that will be ready to submit. please see my portfolio for examples of previous developmental editing letters. 


edit your novel

with copyediting, i’ll look at the smaller details of your manuscript like grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. at the end of our time together with copyediting projects, you’ll have a marked up manuscript with edits and some notes that will be ready to publish independently or submitted to your chosen press. please see my portfolio for previous copyediting letters. 


get your novel ready for printing

with print proofreading, i’ll check a final print copy of your manuscript and look for minute errors that may have slipped through previous editing rounds. at the end of our time together with proofreading projects, you’ll have a polished manuscript that is print ready.